Na een loopbaan als professioneel fotograaf heb ik van mijn passie terug mijn hobby gemaakt.
Na mijn studies foto/film aan het Hoger Sint-Lukasinstituut in Brussel was ik gedurende meer dan 40 jaar gevestigd als fotograaf in Houthalen-Helchteren, gespecialiseerd in portret- en reportagefotografie.
De passie voor fotografie is gebleven en uit zich nu vooral tijdens mijn internationale reizen en omzwervingen met mijn motorhome.​
Daarnaast ben ik nauw betrokken in de werking van de FEP, de Federation of European Professional Photographers waar ik voorzitter ben van de EP-kwalificatiejury. EP - European Photographer is een kwaliteitslabel waarmee de FEP de minimaal vereiste vakbekwaamheid van haar leden onderschrijft en erkent.
Sinds editie 2019 ben ik voorzitter van de FEP Awards, een jaarlijkse wedstrijd voor professionele fotografen uit heel Europa.
Bij Lens op de Mens - Fotofestival Pelt ben ik bestuurslid en voorzitter van de wedstrijdjury.
After a career as a professional photographer, I turned my passion back into my hobby.
After studying photography/film at the Hoger Sint-Lukasinstituut in Brussels, I worked for more than 40 years as a photographer in Houthalen-Helchteren, specialising in portrait and reportage photography.
The passion for photography has remained and is now mainly expressed during my international travels and trips with my motorhome.
I am also closely involved in the work of the FEP, the Federation of European Professional Photographers, where I am chairman of the EP qualification jury. EP - European Photographer is a basic quality label with which the FEP endorses and recognises the minimum required professional competence of its members.
Since edition 2019 I am also the chairman of the FEP Awards, an annual competition for professional photographers from all over Europe.
At Lens op de Mens - Pelt Photo Festival, I am a board member and chairman of the competition jury.
Member of the International Jury of the SM (Svensk Mästare) i Fotografi 2024 - Swedish National Championship in Photography 2024
Member of the International Jury of the SM (Svensk Mästare) i Fotografi 2023 - Swedish National Championship in Photography 2023
Juror at the national preselections for Team Belgium for the WPC - World Photographic Cup 2024
Member of the International Jury of the contest 'Scattiamo per l'Italia' 2022
Certificate of achievement | 5th International Photo Salon GEORGIAN DRAG 2021
Member of the International Jury of the contest 'Scattiamo per l'Italia' 2021
Salon Bronze Medal | 4th International Photo Salon GEORGIAN DRAG 2020
GPU Global Photographic Union HONORABLE MENTION | 3rd International Photo Salon GEORGIAN DRAG 2019
Member of the International Jury of the FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year Award
Bronze Camera category Reportage/Photojournalism | FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year 2015 competition
Excellence Award Single Image category Reportage/Fotojournalisme | FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year 2015
Winner Henri Wouters Culture Award 2011 | city of Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium
QEP - Qualified European Professional Photographer | FEP - Federation of European Professional Photograhers
Silver Medal category Documentary Photograpy | CIIPC 2010 - The First China International Internet-based Photography Competition
Finalist category Reportage with one Gold en one Silver Single Image Award | FEP - European Professional Photographer of the Year 2010
Winner category Reportage style Portret | L'Eté des Portraits photo festival, Bourbon-Lancy, France
Finalist Award | FEP - European Fine Art Photographer of the Year 2009
3x Bronze Award category Pictorial | FEP - European Professional Photographer of the Year 2009
National selection category Wedding | Belgian Association of Professional Photographers
Lens op de Mens - Fotofestival Pelt 2023 | group exhibition jury members
L'Eté des Portraits 2021 - Bourbon-Lancy, France
Lens op de Mens - Fotofestival Pelt 2021 | group exhibition jury members
4th International Photo Salon GEORGIAN DRAG 2020
3rd International Photo Salon GEORGIAN DRAG 2019
Lens op de Mens - Fotofestival Pelt 2019 | group exhibition jury members
L'Eté des Portraits 2018 - Bourbon-Lancy, France
Lens op de Mens - Fotofestival Pelt 2017 | group exhibition jury members
L'Eté des Portraits 2016 - Bourbon-Lancy, France
L'Eté des Portraits 2014 - Bourbon-Lancy, France
2nd IPMGA (the International Photography Museum and Gallery Alliance) - International Congress and Photography Art Exhibition, Kolkata, India
L'Eté des Portraits 2012 - Bourbon-Lancy, France
CIDPAE 2011 - The Second China International Digital Photography Art Exhibition, China
Silken Berlaymont Hotel Brussels | Group exhibition Belgian Association of Professional Photographers
CIIPC Modern Image - The First China International Internet-based Photography Competition | Changshua
CIDPAE 2010 - The First China International Digital Photography Art Exhibition | Changshua
IOPF - International Orange Photo Festival | Changshua, China
L'Eté des Portraits 2010 - Bourbon-Lancy, France
'Artistiek portret ... met licht getekend - Artistic portrait ... drawn with light' | travelling group exhibition | Aalst, CC De Werf
Photo Museum Antwerp, Belgium | Group exhibition FEP - European Fine Art Photograph of the Year 2009 award winners
'Artistiek portret ... met licht getekend - Artistic portrait ... drawn with light' | travelling group exhibition | CC Velinx Tongeren
'Artistiek portret ... met licht getekend - Artistic portrait ... drawn with light' | travelling group exhibition | Sint-Martens-Latem
Silken Berlaymont Hotel Brussels | Group exhibition 'Green' | Belgian Association of Professional Photographers
Summer of Portraits | Gmunden, Austria
PingYao China International Photography Festival | Group exhibition Belgian Association of Professional Photographers
12th International Photographic Art Exhibition |Lishui, China
Retrospective 20 years Internationaal Lachfestival | Houthalen-Helchteren
'Bree meets Yangzhou' Group exhibition with 6 Flemish photograhers | City hall of Bree, Belgium
PingYao China International Photography Festival | Group exhibition Belgian Association of Professional Photographers
Photo Museum Antwerp | Group exhibition 'History of Wedding Photography in Belgium' | Belgian Association of Professional Photographers​
Silken Berlaymont Hotel Brussels | Group exhibition 'Smile' | Belgian Association of Professional Photographers
Individual exhibition CC Casino, Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium